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We need health solutions that don’t end human life

The universal declarations (1948), Article 1 states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in spirit of brotherhood. This background defines my mission as young leader to passionately protect the pre-born and their mothers too. Today I was warmly welcomed at a child center to see the good works of the lord. Joy has filled my heart and I am too emotional to see that a baby we saved with a team of other young high students runs to hug. It sounds awkward but there is a feeling of attachment for the courage and zeal I used to explain my self exhaustively to Mama Peace how wonderful, precious and unique Life is. I would have been part of the young people who Plan families while fronting abortion calling it health care and a solution. But we said no, the baby deserves to live. Relentlessly, abortion in my home district is being presented as a solution to maternal mortality and the abortion advocates often point to maternal mortality rates and illegal abortion rates that have been exaggerated or mis-calculated and use these rates to claim that legalizing abortion will decrease maternal deaths. They argue that legalizing abortion makes it “safe”, as mothers can openly seek out competent doctors to perform legal abortions. For example, WHO claims: “To avoid maternal deaths……All women, including adolescents, need access to contraception, and safe abortion services to the full extent of the law.
However, the abortion procedure regardless of the conditions under which it is performed, or whether it is legal or illegal, always carries health risks, some even life threatening. The true solution to high maternal mortality rates is not abortion, but rather health care, as the highest rates of maternal deaths, whether pregnancy related or abortion related, occur in developing countries with inadequate health care. To all young people. Our aim should not be at exterminating precious life yet we have problems that go beyond population. Focusing on the promotion of abortion could potentially raise maternal mortality rates by taking vital funding. Timothy Waigolo


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