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We Don't need abortion

No battle is richer in imagery than the struggle over abortion. We have seen everything from coat hangers to roses, ultrasound photos of preborn babies, faked photos of women killed by illegal abortions, panel trucks with giant bloody aborted-baby pictures on them. According to the World Health Organization, “around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year.”
. The World Health Organization claims that around the world each year “4.7–13.2% of maternal deaths can be attributed to unsafe abortion…. In developed regions, it is estimated that 30 women die for every 100,000 unsafe abortions. In developing regions, that number rises to 220 deaths per 100,000 unsafe abortions.” This is roughly the equivalent to the death toll of a fully loaded jumbo jet crashing every 12 hours, year-round, with no survivors. what are some of the reasons women abort 🤔? The classic hard cases are abortion for rape and incest, birth defects, and to preserve the life and the health of the mother. Those who support abortion rely heavily upon these rare abortions to make their points. They do their very best to exaggerate their frequency. In reality, most abortions are performed for reasons that have nothing to do with either the mother’s or the baby’s health. An article in the journal BMC Women’s Health discusses research conducted with respondents who were asked about reasons why they had abortions. 40% said they were not financially prepared. 36% said they had the abortion because the timing was bad, they were not ready, or the pregnancy was unplanned. 29% said they wanted to focus on other children. 20% said they wanted to focus on career or school. Only 12% said they were concerned about their health or the baby’s health. That included reasons such as drug addiction, alcohol use, tobacco use, or the use of medications. Further, according to the World Population Review, just 1% of women who have an abortion reported it was due to the pregnancy being a result of rape. Fewer than 0.5% have an abortion because of incest. That being said, the actual numbers will fluctuate, as not everyone who is raped or has an incestual relationship will report. Thus, we see that abortion has become primarily a social eraser for embarrassing situations. Do not be afraid to tell and show the truth: The overwhelming majority of abortions are performed for social or economic reasons. Even as we focus on accurately presenting data on the reasons women give for abortion, we must be absolutely clear that there are no justifiable reasons to kill either a born or preborn person. When a mother’s life is at risk during a pregnancy, we must do our best to save both lives. Nor should a disability, regardless of how severe, be a death sentence for a preborn child. We have allowed the abortion industry and its supporters to keep their “dirty little secrets” for far too long. The only cure for this campaign of lies is for every single pro-life person to learn the issues and then to talk about them with everyone they know. friends, family members, fellow churchgoers, and coworkers. Only a widespread program of education conducted by millions of persistent pro-lifers will remedy the false impressions the public has on abortion. When this happens, a pro-life victory will be much nearer.
Timothy Waigolo. +256770612728/750680789


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