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Mk- Army youth are in support of the Anti - homosexuality bill

Kampala city pastor Martin Ssempa and the Mk. Army movement have hosted a twitter space about how homosexualilty. Pastor Martin Ssempa has encouraged young people not to get scared of the US sanctions that are prohibiting us from travelling to US - We can still build our Uganda and make it a lively and safer place for every one to stay. Dont forget God created us male and female with the intention that man would form families which also reflect the image of God as a Trinity of persons. In the Trinity, the Father makes a gift of himself to the Son. The Son gives a gift of himself to the Father. The Holy Spirit is the personification of the Father and the Son.
In the family, the husband is called to make a total gift of himself to the wife. The wife is called to make a total gift of herself to the husband. The children are intended to be a personification of love between a husband and a wife. Homosexual acts are contrary to the natural law. God designed the human body so that male and female would be complementary and capable of transmitting life. Homosexual acts are not complementary and incapable of transmitting life. By opposing the redefinition of marriage to accommodate same-sex couples we are not, as we are often falsely accused, “standing in the way of love.” It’s precisely the opposite. By defending authentic marriage we are defending true love. Proclaiming this truth and opposing any change to the definition of marriage should not be interpreted as opposing the persons who have a homosexual orientation. Christian charity obligates us to respect even those who vehemently disagree with us. The truth is often challenging, but it is the truth that sets us free. The teaching of the Church is not simply a set of man-made prohibitions; it is based on the recognition and promotion of the gifts God has given to us: life, knowledge, freedom and love. Society prohibits racism because it is contrary to human dignity, just so any prohibitions in Church teaching are oriented to protecting real human goods. Behind every “no” regarding sex, there shines a great “yes” to the recognition of the sacred nature of human sexuality as an expression of true love. Timothy Waigolo Mp to be Kigulu North Come 2026


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