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Each one of us can make a difference.

Kigulu North is a constituence where we have trust in each other. Our shared trust in each other is the foundation on which we have built our society. Together we have created a society of economic prosperity and good welfare. Throughout the pandemic the trust we have in each other has proved to be vital. As a constituencey We face a number of challenges. However, the biggest challenge is poverty, the economy has to be rebuilt. We must create jobs to replace those we have lost during the pandemic. In the long term we need to ensure the sustainability of our welfare in the society, so we must invest in knowledge and competence. We need to be more productive and more inclusive.
Our constituency believes in freedom with responsibility. We believe that the individual knows best what is best for them. Therefore, Kigulu North wants health services that have the patients in focus. When the public sector works together with private stakeholders, they each perform better. We must make use of all the forces for good of our society. We believe that the private sector services should not only be available to those who can afford it, we believe that the public sector can purchase vacant slots from private operators and offer them to those who need them. If people need a place at kindergarten or a nursing home, an operation, or help to escape a life of addiction, the most important thing for them is that they receive a high-quality service quickly and at the expense of the public sector, not that of the operator offering the service. Kigulu North wants a society that puts people first, before the system. If we are to build Uganda. knowledge is vital. Timothy Waigolo will focus on upgrading the skills of pupils, students and people at work. We believe that everyone has a desire to contribute to society, so we must have good schemes that make this possible. No one in Kigulu North should become obsolete due to lack of skills, and fewer should drop out of school. Good schooling is the key to effective integration and inclusion. It is very important that each one of us in Kigulu North has a job. I Timothy Waigolo believes in the creative ability that lies in all of us and in our social enterprises. In order to create jobs, the business community must be given the freedom to create more of them. It will get this through a competitive level of tax, fewer regulations, and digitalisation. At the same time, we must give those who are outside working life better opportunities to join it. We believe that each one of us has a desire to contribute, so it is society’s task to facilitate this. Nobody wants to be the one being helped – we all want to be the one offering help. We believe in that God can bless us with positive leadership that will favour us all as individuals, families and local communities, and in the individual initiative of business and voluntary organisations. We believe that the community grows stronger when it is identified by freedom and responsibility, and when as many decisions as possible are made as close as possible to whom or what it concerns. We believe that commitment and creative ability will strengthen Kigulu North people. We believe in Uganda because we know that all who live here wish to contribute to creating a better society for all. We believe in a better version of Uganda if given chance to represent fully at the National levels. Timothy Waigolo MP-Kigulu North Come 2026


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