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Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day 🤝 Its so blessed that our soverignity is celebrated today 9th/october/2023. My list of historical people to celebrate on this day is endless.
Religious leaders, cultural leaders and concerned citizens allow me extend my sincere appreciations to the 11th parliament of Uganda for passing the AHS – Anti Homosexuality bill. You have protected the Uganda child from sexual exploitation. To the president of the republic of Uganda HE: Yoweri K. Museveni thank you assenting to the Anti Homosexuality Bill. You are a Ugandan Hero who has boldly stood up to protect the family. We are all aware that a family is a natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by the society and the state. A child is supposed to grow up in a safe and supportive family environment. Happy heroes’ day to all those individuals and organizations under the umbrella of LIFAM that work for the respect and for the role of the family in providing for children and those who support the efforts of parents, other care-givers and communities in nurturing and caring for children from the earliest stages of childhood through adolescence. Children are growing up in atmospheres of happiness, love and understanding the values and norms of their societies. Happy heroes’ day to all young leaders who stand firmly to say that in no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning and go a head to sensitize the government in taking appropriate steps to help women avoid abortion, which in case should be promoted as a method of family planning. Every human being has the inherent right to life. Relentlessly, abortion is being presented as a solution to maternal mortality. Abortion advocates often point to maternal mortality rates and illegal abortion rates that have been exaggerated or mis-calculated and use these rates to claim that legalizing abortion will decrease maternal deaths. They argue that legalizing abortion makes it safe, as mothers can openly seek out competent doctors to perform legal abortions. However, i will always emphasize that the abortion procedure, regardless of the conditions under which it is performed, or whether it is legal or illegal, always carries health risks. Some even life threatening: ✅Accidental tearing of uterine artery, tearing of the cervix, or scarring of the uterine wall ✅Heavy bleeding, requiring blood transfusions ✅Abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and infection ✅Allergic reaction to drugs or anesthesia, sometimes causing convulsions, or worse ✅Heart attack, embolisms (caused by blood clots or other foreign matter in blood vessels) ✅Perforation of the uterus and damage to other internal organs ✅Miscarriage of future pregnancies, infertility or sterility ✅Increased risk of subsequent tubal pregnancies ✅Death (its estimated that 20 percent of maternal death are due to abortion) Guilt, anger, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts ✅Anniversary grief, flashbacks of abortion, memory repression Sexual dysfunction, relationship problems ✅Eating disorders, sleep disorders Alcohol and drug abuse. Organizations are making billions of dollars from their family planning services, providing condoms, various methods of modern contraception and abortion and have vested interest in pushing the population control agenda. Centrally to what the pro-death, the world is not experiencing a population explosion, but instead, it is experiencing a population implosion that is having devastating impacts on countries and economies worldwide. In fact, some countries like Japan and Russia have resorted to paying their citizens to have children. But we serve a big God and I know he will protect and guide us. Happy heroes’ day once again to you all. Timothy Waigolo


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