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Showing posts from 2021

The Advent Season in Uganda.

  The advent season in Uganda is about honoring the birth of Jesus Christ. These are sacred days where Christian Ugandan Families usually attend church services, Practice native plays, dance performances, communion tables and caroling. It’s the time Ugandan Christians carry lots of gifts to their church communion tables, youths moving door to door proclaiming the good news to the world. Many Families that stay in the cities and towns are now preparing to visit village. The kids are excited about meeting their aunties, uncles, cousins, grandparents and other village residents. Parents are eager to re-unite and party together with their long time no see family members. Now Ugandan shops and streets are being designed with decorated twinkling lights and this excites little children and also Christian elders who value the new life of Jesus Christ. 25 th Decembers is the final day in every year where Christian families put traditional and delicious meals with lots of drinks on thei

IUEA withdraws from the 2021 Jinja Rally

International University of East Africa eliminates it's self From the Ruparelia Motor race Championship. The institution has clearly said the language the organizers of the event used is too radical defunct, immoral and against the institution Vision and Mission.  This has given Ugandans and the entire community of East Africa a positive image of what citizens and nation leaders the university is grooming. “The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The second best time is now and the university has been and is still laying a concrete moral foundation for all its students.  By. Timothy Waigolo - Human Life International Uganda

They raped him

A boy commits suicide after being raped by a group of gay people. Sad to hear this in a generation full of immorality and decay. Anti life groups have pushed the gay pride to a level that scares the whole world and the generations to come.   Many countries both in Africa and the western world have been condoned to legalize policies such as CSE programs in schools which programs are used to manipulate and sexualize kids at a very young age. These programs harmonize rights of gayism and kids are taught to think it's normal for people to be gay 😭. Now because of these programs we are losing young souls who are being raped by fellow men 😭. Imagine a man raping a man an act so in humane.  We therefore call upon our religious leaders, bishops, Reverends, priests, seminarians all prayer warriors to pray for the world so that people rejuvinate back the true culture of life. How God intends to see his people live, happy and joy full To avoid boy rapping our countri

He looked for the one lost sheep

It had wondered off buy it self but he selflessly gathered the entire Flock to save one that had went astray In our contemporary society today,  people are growing wings, they have left the truth and now they are effortlessly cementing them selves with worldly lies. Once one develops signs of maturity, they think they are the makers of decisions and this has ramped them into misusing a gift of procreation - sex. The African  family is now at a great risk of failing. The media today trades nudity and immorality. Use of condoms has become use of condoms. Pills  both contraceptives and abortifacients have been given emphasis, artificial family planning has been credited high as if it's what made us today. The natural family is being destroyed. The young  have been lied to that artificial protection is a solution. The solution has however in many cases failed to work out and more problems arise. Let's probe the mind . How many lives to people have ?  Only one. We all li

The Beautiful African Princess

I do remember the story of a very beautiful African girl. She was a princess. Every one in the village wanted to marry her. One day she decided to go to the forest and collect fire wood, but unfortunately a beast gets hold of her. We the youth of today are a big representative of the beautiful Princess. Sugar daddies and mummies be looking at you with illicit thoughts. They use every opportunity to grab you and disorganise your dreams.  They tempt you to have sex for their satisfaction and in the end it all ends in tears. If you don't get STD's you in for Un intended pregnancies.  It's now time to choose God. He will protect us from the beast. And he will guide us towards towards having the future we all dream of Timothy Waigolo

Ugandans we are dead

  There is a trade treaty – a partnership agreement between the European Union and members of the organization of the African, Caribbean and Pacific states. It has been governing our trade for the last 20 years and it commenced operating in 2020. So now a new 20 year trade agreement is under negotiations but this time round with serious problems. I will break down one element in this treaty –Comprehensive Sexual Education The treaty is calling for our government to provide Universal access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive education. If ratified our children will be in trouble because CSE will teach them to   Masturbate, Accept and explore sexual orientations and gender identities, Promoting of sexual pleasure and promiscuity as a right for children,   Promoting abortion as safe without consequences,   Encourage children to experiment sexually with individuals of their own sex or the opposite sex,   Promotes condoms to children without informing them of their fai

Live the present life

    We have murky secrets and adverse memories that create so much pain in our present environment. All of us have some negative moments that are painful, unpleasant and shameful. Am sure up to today we have failed to overcome some of the memories because they are so powerful. But we need to learn how to deal with the past. We shouldn’t be prisoners of the past. How? Accept them. You didn’t chose the past but you can change it. Stop thinking about them and stop excusing them for your failure. Open up a new page in your book of life that will define you positively Don’t be victimized because you did terrible things in the past. Accept you did them and pray that you don’t do them again. Repent and all your past will be forgotten. don’t hide your negative past, write it down in a book, speak loudly about it, draw your negative past, express yourself, and you will be able to reduce influence for the negative past. Live the present life. The future is a possibility, the past is

The second HLI-Uganda Pro-life and Pro-family Training

Daring to be a-Ugandan Lutheran Youth

You have to believe the Gospel is for you and that Jesus Christ was crucified for your sins and raised for your forgiveness and the salvation he won for you on Good-Friday and Easter. we therefore hold the duty of assisting the local congregation, our pastors, parents and youth leaders as well. through this we can get Jesus' Gifts.  Many youth have lost Christ, they have turned away from doing good. they are perpetual sinners and hold no value of life. they are driven by money, fornication, myopic pride and very many other items But the Ugandan Lutheran Youth  dare to keep putting the gospel in the ears of these youth as long as the lord allows. Timothy Waigolo

Pro-Life Training Boot Camp in Uganda boosts youths voices for the preborn.

This week has been one of a kind. a team of young Americans travelled all the way from the west to Uganda to proclaim about Pro-life . The Africa life youth foundation and Human Life Uganda plus the Empowered youth coalition made the camp a successful one. The young attendees from different organizations, schools, universities were taught a lot of useful things that will enable them live a happy and successful life. Skills taught include legal advocacy , public speaking , videography and media , art and design , music, dance and drama .  The director of Human Life Uganda Rev. Jonathan Opio practically talked about how harmful abortion and contraception were which left all the attendees with a positive mindset of preaching the evil to the rest of the public for the good of women health. Mr kakeeto Richard also emphasized practically what the EU-ACP is and what it wants to promote in the African countries. This laid a way for lawyers like Loyce , Esiangu Anthony and Pius Okiror