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He looked for the one lost sheep

It had wondered off buy it self but he selflessly gathered the entire Flock to save one that had went astray

In our contemporary society today,  people are growing wings, they have left the truth and now they are effortlessly cementing them selves with worldly lies. Once one develops signs of maturity, they think they are the makers of decisions and this has ramped them into misusing a gift of procreation - sex.

The African  family is now at a great risk of failing. The media today trades nudity and immorality. Use of condoms has become use of condoms. Pills  both contraceptives and abortifacients have been given emphasis, artificial family planning has been credited high as if it's what made us today. The natural family is being destroyed.
The young  have been lied to that artificial protection is a solution. The solution has however in many cases failed to work out and more problems arise.

Let's probe the mind . How many lives to people have ?  Only one. We all live once. But many people have decided to end the lives of others. Those others are the  voiceless, the preborn. Through agents Satan has misguided a sheep to go astray and defy some of the written scriptures. You shall not kill, but when you abort you already killing. This could not affect us as Africans but over 500 million babies are lost annually in Africa because of abortion. Among those are the engineers, teachers, doctors, etc we loose. And still the devil advocates whisper its fine. That's because the devil's duty is to kill and destroy.
Kindly ask a young girl her solution to pregnancy, she will be happy to reply abortion. And who teaches them this. So the devil already infiltrated nthe African schools. It's nolonger sex African education,  it's comprehensive sexual education. With the African sex education emphasis is put on valuing sex till marriage, but with comprehensive sexual education it's okay to have sex at a young age provided contraceptives are available.

 The dignity of life in Africa has been tramped on.. 
The sheep are lost, but the church looks for them. It's never never late to say God am sorry. It's never late to repent. It's never late to turn to the right side. 

Stand for life and family, protect pregnant mothers. Don't encourage them to abort because it's not a solution. Save your marriages by being faithfully to your partners. Say no to sex before marriage.

Naturally that's how our ancestors succeeded. We shouldn't be a generation that will bring about a utopia deveilic environment in the centuries to come.

By Timothy Waigolo - HLI-Uganda and Bagalana Derek a medical student


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