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The Advent Season in Uganda.


The advent season in Uganda is about honoring the birth of Jesus Christ. These are sacred days where Christian Ugandan Families usually attend church services, Practice native plays, dance performances, communion tables and caroling.

It’s the time Ugandan Christians carry lots of gifts to their church communion tables, youths moving door to door proclaiming the good news to the world.

Many Families that stay in the cities and towns are now preparing to visit village. The kids are excited about meeting their aunties, uncles, cousins, grandparents and other village residents. Parents are eager to re-unite and party together with their long time no see family members.

Now Ugandan shops and streets are being designed with decorated twinkling lights and this excites little children and also Christian elders who value the new life of Jesus Christ.

25th Decembers is the final day in every year where Christian families put traditional and delicious meals with lots of drinks on their tables. Many families enjoy having spiced rice commonly referred to as pillawo, Meat, Chicken and other delicacies. Every family is so welcoming for the feast, friends and families are invited to share the meals in these times. Usually there is gift sharing and one of the preferable items one can gift is a cloth. Children in Uganda love new clothes for Christmas.

Apart from food Uganda Christmas is another big party where people dance- those in towns visit night clubs while those in villages visit community gathering for free entertainment.

However where there is smoke there is fire. As people are enjoying the meat and the drinks, there is a lot of dirt and crime being practiced on the same day. Many people plan evil that day. Aside other evils majority of young people focus more on having sex.

It’s a day that turns out to be a life punishment to many young girls and young boys. Girls get pregnant and usually drop out of school while boys are on the run to avoid being punished for making the young girls get pregnant.

But we don’t want this to happen this year 2022, and therefore we request all parents, guardians and responsible citizens to keep sensitizing the young ones to abstain from sex. Don’t let children go hang out alone without watching them, or else you are letting them fall into Satan’s hands.  

Happy Advent season.


Timothy Waigolo



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