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Ugandans we are dead


There is a trade treaty – a partnership agreement between the European Union and members of the organization of the African, Caribbean and Pacific states.

It has been governing our trade for the last 20 years and it commenced operating in 2020. So now a new 20 year trade agreement is under negotiations but this time round with serious problems. I will break down one element in this treaty –Comprehensive Sexual Education

The treaty is calling for our government to provide Universal access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive education. If ratified our children will be in trouble because CSE will teach them to


Accept and explore sexual orientations and gender identities,

Promoting of sexual pleasure and promiscuity as a right for children,

 Promoting abortion as safe without consequences,

 Encourage children to experiment sexually with individuals of their own sex or the opposite sex,

 Promotes condoms to children without informing them of their failure rate,

 Disrespect for parents and religious cultural values


All the problems mentioned above are very harmful to our country. It’s from this point that we the youth of Uganda call upon our legislators and heads of state to say no to the treaty.

Timothy Waigolo


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