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Zahara is a medical student, so forcussed and ambitious. She one time served as the Minister of Gender during the brilliant Katongoles regime. According to analytics she  achieved  great success in her role by organsing a blissfull Miss and Mr MUST competition 2018. it was one of a kind. Zahara has silent die go hards who believe in her and are ready to enthrone her to the MUST guild seat.

Johns is a political threat in this race. The fact that he is coming as a people power elect gives him great opportunity to win the race. His association with Ryan umar the current guild president also tops up his chances of making it to the seat. The fact that Ryan Umar has been a good leader compared to Mike katongole makes MUST students believe that people power has gotten the right repreesentatives.

Benerd (crysto) is a boy at hand worthy cherishing and trusting. Currently he is so silent that no one has gotten to know about his planned moves towards winning these coming elections. He a smart strategist following his political tactics in the 2019 umar- colleb race, he almost made umar lose out the race. Indifferent from other candidates benerd has genuine followers and truth is he is a lion in the race. 

Dickson is not so vibrant in the race besides his tension is less compared to the rest of the candidtes. I feel pity for this boy having gone through recent trauma of defiling a secondary student( not my word.. Campus bae source). His reputation was pulled low but perhaps he can explain his stand to the MUST fraternity, they are ready to follow his leadership ambitions.

Its of recent that she has started alerting MUSTERIANS about her leadership goals. she is a business girl and with some good following. She is so discrete about disclosing her plans towards becoming a MUST guild president, all in all we wish her the best.

Iculet is a big a threat in the game. Compared to the rest of the candidates she is the only aspirant who has attended majority of MUST conferences a tool that makes her brilliant about MUST situations. She is a good public speaker and influencer as well. She is hardworking, so efficient  and flexible. Her leading abilities have been tested and trusted, she therefore has higher prones of becoming the next MUST guild president. MUST having more ladies than boys she is higly previledged with enough support.
Biggest mistake adrian did is coming as a people power aspirant because according to analytics john jones is credited. Unless both of them sit down and settle issues i see divisionism amongst students. This will give indepedent and NRM candidates a chance to out compete people power. However Adrian is a highly recognised in the race and is also having a big following

He says he is iron  itself. Newton is a BS student who is so friendly, comic and a concerned student. He is a common figure Newton has laid down shining strategies that are quite amazing and has collected some good number of followers, i believe he is a thorn in someones foot. Not so  much has been portrayed about Newton, but if he yarns for the seat i believe students will give him a go a head.

By Timothy Waigolo


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