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Showing posts from March, 2020

Become confident if your shy

Maintain eye contact.   This has changed my life in the way I interact with people. When people talk to you, maintain eye contact, even if it might feel awkward. It shows strength of character and even warmth. When it’s your turn to talk, do the same, although I think it’s okay in this situation to glance away at times. Learn about everything.  Read the News papers. Watch documentaries. Read good books. Conversations used to be a terrifying thing for me, because I wouldn’t know what to talk about. But the more you know, the more you can relate with people and have something to share. Make yourself uncomfortable.  To achieve anything worthwhile, requires sacrifice. In this case, personal comfort. I used to avoid going to parties and social events because I’d feel so stressed at the thought of talking to people. I still feel that way, but not as intensely, after forcing myself to accept most invitations I’d receive. Interacting with people really is a muscle you have to flex, and the mor


This the problem with COVID-19; If we do nothing, it goes out of control . There is a universal agreement on this point. Every week the number of infected people doubles or triples, according to the best estimates of the World Health Organisation today. Within about two months, hospitals  have started collapsing under the pressure (Italy) and can survive only by building emergency new facilities using help from the rest of the countries (Wuhan). However, if you really are doing nothing, then two months later the rest of the country falls down and no one can help you.  On the other hand, our Ugandan government declared a state of emergency …  schools shut down, airports virtually close, and the country goes on lockdown. All for what ??, limiting the spread of the flu. Then perhaps if the disease is successfully suppressed after the decreed 32 days, everything opens back up and we look around and say, yaah, why did we even do that?! Why did the country shut down when the ordi

How you can doom your self at Mbarara University of Science And Technology-(MUST)

Students go to university to gain knowledge and skills which will help them in their future, but success in exams depends on several factors. Failure in exams are usually caused by these factors: Get yourself a sugar daddy. They are very sweet daddies and they will make you a sweet baby as well. They are ready to spend on you lavishly and please your desires. They are very nice people the fact that they give out plenty money. You will dress nicely, eat well, sleep well and inspire others who are broke. Get a boyfriend. That dud will make you feel like he can give you all the stars, plus the moon he will make  you believe he only sees you. He will give you an amazing feeling. Keep at his place, cook for him, do his laundry and become obsessed at him anf wait for examination results. Do not do courseworks First of all they are stressing, boring and no one will force you to do them. In fact they seem to be irrelevant so what makes you do them. Miss them and become a compass granny. Party


  1. BAKAKI ZAHARA -NRM MUST CHAPTER CHAIRPERSON .  Zahara is a medical student, so forcussed and ambitious. She one time served as the Minister of Gender during the brilliant Katongoles regime. According to analytics she  achieved  great success in her role by organsing a blissfull Miss and Mr MUST competition 2018. it was one of a kind. Zahara has silent die go hards who believe in her and are ready to enthrone her to the MUST guild seat. 2. BWENGYE JOHN JONES -PEOPLE POWER. Johns is a political threat in this race. The fact that he is coming as a people power elect gives him great opportunity to win the race. His association with Ryan umar the current guild president also tops up his chances of making it to the seat. The fact that Ryan Umar has been a good leader compared to Mike katongole makes MUST students believe that people power has gotten the right repreesentatives. 3. BENERD KUTUUSA -NRM. Benerd (crysto) is a boy at hand worthy cherishing and trusting. Currently

Did you know that Iculet Mariam Arikosi planted 30 trees at MUST

If you can’t tell a lame duck from a rubber chicken, here’s a word to help you understand the language of Iculet. Having been a potential and tested leader, with to much ectasies she comes out boldly to affirm that she is a Guild president MUST has been looking for. Under the YDDR, a youth initiative from the African union, she was made a student Coordinator for the Change Climate Change Project With a high demand that Iculet should open up Students' One Health Innovation Club where she serves as  the vice President. They  planted over 200 trees of various species at Kihumuro campus on the  30th anniversary of MUST along side several voluneers of the project volunteers in partnership with Youth Go Green and Nature Uganda. 

Cancel out the following and make your life better

1 . Porn . Porn movies are not worth watching, they show fake relationship without any love moments, you will just see a man and a woman having sexual intercourse for more than 30,40,50,minutes or 1 hr or more. The lady bathing in spermatozoid and what other rubbish they show. In real life you'll be done in around 10,15 or 20 minutes. 2 . Social media Too much concentration on these apps have destroyed several homes. These are the real intruders in the life of people. Don't get attracted to them. I don't use them. I am happy with my wife. 3 . Extra marital affair Don't venture into a relationship that has a dead end. A point of no return. A source for breaking up your happy married life. Don't plan to regret in the future. 4 . Unnecessary expenses . Calculated expenses are that wise people do. Those who spend money lavishly should stop doing so. plan for future. Economise. 5 . Gambling . This is a bad practice that many people do. Gambling money and lo

Why your broke

I’ve been broke as hell and I’ve been a bit financially okay I can tell you that who I was when I was very broke was WAY different from who I am today though am also trying to regain my networth goals and dreams. Here are just a few of the reasons I was broke in the past, but don't assume am so rich (and the main reasons that most other people are broke). Most people jump from business to business , career to career, idea to idea never sticking to ONE thing until it’s profitable. Over the past 3 years, I’ve been tempted by EVERY industry on the planet. But I stuck with my ONE business ( fruit growing and selling) and, as a result, have made some less money with it. Here’s the thing… You CAN get rich with just about any business or commission based career. But you have to stick with it for a long time before you’ll make the money you want. If you want to get rich, screw  a shiny object syndrome. Test out a new business model every month for 6 months. At the end of the 6