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In one of my old blogs entitled _proud to be a musoga_ , I appreciated us to be hospitable, caring and loving people. Our culture way back when being initiated by our founding fathers taught us to embrace unity and togetherness benchmarking the wisdom of termites . Our culture literature has always been passed to us through elders. whereas time, technology have kept on evolving even the ground based educational systems within the Busoga region have kept on adopting situations that enable the transition of our culture to the younger generation. I am proud to be a musoga because that’s who I am Even amidst critical comparisons of how stupid we are, never have I ever regrated being born one. To be clearer here _we are proud to be from the land that has a rich historic background of amazing physical features and its beautiful people._ For whoever thinks culture plays no role in one’s life ask yourself, _what if I had no language to speak?_ we don’t speak because of the multiple languages to sheer but, there is a particular connection we have with the people we are living with. This is the family , which has been defined as the smallest unit of a community. Law scholars have gone a mile to say if you want to destroy the community, then destroy the family. The entire community which comprises different districts within Busoga region, those outside the region and abroad have always been demanding to see a queen mother. It has surely taken us years, until recently on 6th / September / 2023 the prime minister (Katikiro) of Busoga announced who our queen mother is to be. That day, that night every one whose ancestral background links back to Busoga was happy. Some of us didn’t even sleep. _Why_ ? We got a queen mother. The fact remains a child will play tirelessly every time it looks at its mother. It has confidence that every thing is okay and that’s why we celebrated the day. Now that we have a complete royal family . Let me report to our HRH Wilberforce Nadiope Kadhumbula Gabula IV that the family is being fought. Our culture is being fought. Of recent we appealed to our legislators not to sign the EU - ACP* agreement which alarm was received and given ears. Our leaders then held an African Interparliamentary conference which was the first of its own kind and drafted a communique to our dear president advising him not to allow LGBTQ+ rights in Uganda because they are against the natural laws, our cultural norms and values plus the irritating effects of their practices. Its was from this angle that our dear president signed the Anti Homosexuality Bill . We are so proud of him because he has saved generations from the anti-life and pro death movements. We know God has given you lots of wisdom as our king and we are very happy to have you. the people of Busoga have a right full direction as far as the family is concerned. It is very tough to live in a culture that doesn’t value life and family . That culture turns out to have the most _GBV cases, teenage pregnancies, promiscuity_ cases and all sorts of funny acts that have huge effects on our lives. My humble appeal is to see that our kingdom gives the family attention so that we can turn things around. Funvuwa Baaba 🙏 Timothy Waigolo Mp to be Kigulu North


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