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Showing posts from May, 2024

Busoga clans and history

Omulangira Mulungi Peter Kabaale Director Abasoga Tuseetule encourages Youths of Busoga to love their clans We have clan system among the Basoga. A clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived relationship and ancestry, even if the lineage details are not clearly known, clans claim descent from a founding member or a common ancestry. In Busoga, clan must have a name, a totem ( Omuziro ), a motto ( omubala ), an ancestor ( Enkuni ), a common origin ( ensibuko ), and a clan head ( Omukungania ) Basoga and many other societies in Africa are organized in a clan system where every individual belongs to a clan. There are over 300 clans in Busoga that can be grouped into two major groupings according to their origins or movements. 1. Clans that came with the Royal family, these are characterized by the burial of their dead facing Bunyoro. It's assumed that after death the person returns to Bunyoro where they migrated from. 2. Clans that came via lake Nalubaale ( Vic