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Showing posts from November, 2023


Special dads, those who value life and family are very elated for the decission their king Gabula Nadiope IV to officially get married. it has taken 67 years since a royal wedding in the kingdom took place. officially Mutesi Jovia is the queen mother of our beloved kingdom. I wont leave out the fact that we are very excited about this achievement that will empower Busoga families to grow holistically, culturally and economically. For societies to grow economically research asserts that the grassroot which is the family has to have a solid foundation. when the family has what it takes then communities will thrive in all developmental aspects. Our king saw it wise that if he sets an example to the new normal young adults then alot of misconceptions about marriage will be laid away. In fact we are going to realisethe importancese of being faithful and committed when in relationships. Thespecial dads team being spear headed by Timothy Waigolo is now in full gear toadvocate for

5Ways Dads Can Lead Their Children

1. Take responsibility. Make a concrete decision to serve your family to the best of your ability physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually—and not in a way that lords it over your wife or children, but as a leader who sets his own desires aside for the betterment of his home. 2. Love, protect, lead. Loving here refers to unconditional love—your love for them is not based on their actions. Protect by guarding your home against any damaging influences or external dangers. Lead through selfless sacrifice, giving them your best even when life seems to be weighing you down. 3. Be faithful. If you are married, stay true to your wife by standing by her through all of life’s challenges—for better or worse. Remain faithful by guarding what you put into your mind and heart. If you are a single father, begin to lay a “faithful foundation” now so if and when you do wed, you already have made that commitment. Read up on healthy marriages and consider attending seminars on marri