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Showing posts from June, 2023

Mk. Army 🪖 Iganga Youth call for harmony

Supporters of Muhozi Kainerugaba, under the interim of MK. Movement are being criticized for a choice they made. We have been called idiots, bogus and excited young people who are out of mind. Never have we come out to prejudice or bad mouth anyone. It is called dignity and respect. Humans are free people who have rights to chose what is good for them and its what we are optimistically doing. We are very much aware that young people in Uganda are challenged financially. Our socio-economic opportunities are increasingly limited and entrenched with political power holders who are often inaccessible, unresponsive and corrupt. Meaning we are being left behind: we are the most un employed and underemployed. However, we have a belief that if we capacitate our trust in Muhozi we shall achieve positive social change in how our mother country Uganda is governed. Its we who have fueled the most significant protests and demands for a more just, equitable and sustainable future. As you keep

Mk- Army youth are in support of the Anti - homosexuality bill

Kampala city pastor Martin Ssempa and the Mk. Army movement have hosted a twitter space about how homosexualilty. Pastor Martin Ssempa has encouraged young people not to get scared of the US sanctions that are prohibiting us from travelling to US - We can still build our Uganda and make it a lively and safer place for every one to stay. Dont forget God created us male and female with the intention that man would form families which also reflect the image of God as a Trinity of persons. In the Trinity, the Father makes a gift of himself to the Son. The Son gives a gift of himself to the Father. The Holy Spirit is the personification of the Father and the Son. In the family, the husband is called to make a total gift of himself to the wife. The wife is called to make a total gift of herself to the husband. The children are intended to be a personification of love between a husband and a wife. Homosexual acts are contrary to the natural law. God designed the human body so that male

Schools should embrace patriotism trainings - Mugoya Wilson

The killing of students in Mpondwe Secondary School in Kasese by ADF is inhumane,horrible and cowardly act. This follows an attack on UPDF on 20 May 2023 in Somalia by Alshabab where our soldiers were killed in a big number. In history, we had a similar act in 1997, it's so far 25 years ago when the students of UTC Kichwamba were attacked and killed by the Rebels. This cowardly attack on Mpondwe Secondary school by ADF has claimed around 43 student's life. Some were cut, burnt and shot. It's a cowardly act because of attacking innocent unarmed students. What was the security of Kasese doing, why could they put their guard down? Where was security to detect, deter, and intercept these terrorists ( criminals)? This can happen in any part of the cou try, I do advise people to do the following to avoid a smaller incident from happening. 1. Security to be strengthened on all our boarders, in schools and all publice places. Schools should deploy both police and private

We Don't need abortion

No battle is richer in imagery than the struggle over abortion. We have seen everything from coat hangers to roses, ultrasound photos of preborn babies, faked photos of women killed by illegal abortions, panel trucks with giant bloody aborted-baby pictures on them. According to the World Health Organization, “around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year.” . The World Health Organization claims that around the world each year “4.7–13.2% of maternal deaths can be attributed to unsafe abortion…. In developed regions, it is estimated that 30 women die for every 100,000 unsafe abortions. In developing regions, that number rises to 220 deaths per 100,000 unsafe abortions.” This is roughly the equivalent to the death toll of a fully loaded jumbo jet crashing every 12 hours, year-round, with no survivors. what are some of the reasons women abort 🤔? The classic hard cases are abortion for rape and incest, birth defects, and to preserve the life and the health of the m

Special dads make families complete

All signs point towards the fact that we are living through a crisis in fatherhood. In Uganda, millions of children live without a father present in the home. Tragically, research shows that children from broken homes are statistically more likely themselves to get divorced or have children out of wedlock, thus perpetuating a cycle of fatherlessness. However, one of the bizarre things about our culture’s contempt for masculinity and fatherhood, is that there is a massive body of irrefutable scientific evidence that shows that the mere presence of a father in the home can make all the difference for his children. Children who grow up in broken homes are far more likely to suffer from poverty, poor academic performance, out-of-wedlock pregnancy, substance abuse, depression, and on and on. And so, even as our culture reviles men and fathers as “toxic,” we are collecting ever more evidence of the critical importance of their presence. Although, to be fair, perhaps our cultural bitterne

Each one of us can make a difference.

Kigulu North is a constituence where we have trust in each other. Our shared trust in each other is the foundation on which we have built our society. Together we have created a society of economic prosperity and good welfare. Throughout the pandemic the trust we have in each other has proved to be vital. As a constituencey We face a number of challenges. However, the biggest challenge is poverty, the economy has to be rebuilt. We must create jobs to replace those we have lost during the pandemic. In the long term we need to ensure the sustainability of our welfare in the society, so we must invest in knowledge and competence. We need to be more productive and more inclusive. Our constituency believes in freedom with responsibility. We believe that the individual knows best what is best for them. Therefore, Kigulu North wants health services that have the patients in focus. When the public sector works together with private stakeholders, they each perform better. We must make use

Celebrations again – Baby John survived being killed while still in her mother’s womb.

It all began from a taxi. I was travelling from Kampala to up-country. I was sitting in the back seats of the van near a young woman who looked worried. It’s not my thing to initiate conversations so I kept silent as I sportified. A long the way the driver stopped with request from the passengers to buy some eatables. I love food I had to pull out my 20K note to buy roasted chicken and rock boom. Surprisingly my neighbor didn’t. I softly asked her do you need some chicken and the response was positive. I gave in more money to the chicken vendor and also topped it up with a cola bottle. Discipline being a norm I had revise my thoughts and said a hey to this young woman. Slowly we started talking and introducing ourselves to each other and out of the blue I asked why are you travelling. She told me she was leaving expensive clinics of Kampala. I asked why? She said procuring an abortion was so alarming so she wanted to get a cheap abortion facility in Jinja. I kept quiet for a minute

We need health solutions that don’t end human life

The universal declarations (1948), Article 1 states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in spirit of brotherhood. This background defines my mission as young leader to passionately protect the pre-born and their mothers too. Today I was warmly welcomed at a child center to see the good works of the lord. Joy has filled my heart and I am too emotional to see that a baby we saved with a team of other young high students runs to hug. It sounds awkward but there is a feeling of attachment for the courage and zeal I used to explain my self exhaustively to Mama Peace how wonderful, precious and unique Life is. I would have been part of the young people who Plan families while fronting abortion calling it health care and a solution. But we said no, the baby deserves to live. Relentlessly, abortion in my home district is being presented as a solution to maternal mortality and the

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day 🤝 Its so blessed that our soverignity is celebrated today 9th/october/2023. My list of historical people to celebrate on this day is endless. Religious leaders, cultural leaders and concerned citizens allow me extend my sincere appreciations to the 11th parliament of Uganda for passing the AHS – Anti Homosexuality bill. You have protected the Uganda child from sexual exploitation. To the president of the republic of Uganda HE: Yoweri K. Museveni thank you assenting to the Anti Homosexuality Bill. You are a Ugandan Hero who has boldly stood up to protect the family. We are all aware that a family is a natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by the society and the state. A child is supposed to grow up in a safe and supportive family environment. Happy heroes’ day to all those individuals and organizations under the umbrella of LIFAM that work for the respect and for the role of the family in providing for children and tho