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Showing posts from August, 2020

The Ugly Truth 😎

Chasing the opposite sex like a dog on steroid . What are you chasing my brother. Stop chasing diseases, heartbreaks you will die miserably 😂.  Avoiding taking risks because of fear.   Success is an enemy of fear, remember what our primary teachers used to tell us, " better try than never ". Running on the same old software installed in your mind since when you were a kid. Models change and change is inevitable. Learn to embrace change. Running your mouth aimlessly like there is no tomorrow. be conscious of what you speak . remember a lot of  men have fallen because of their tongues.   Hating on best players as if hate will bring you to their level. If you cant beat them, my brother join them and learn from them  I remain yours 🙏 Timothy Waigolo


 Have you been wondering how to serve God in your youth? Or asking yourself what you can do for God between school, homework, studying, work, sports and so on. You’re not alone, my precious friend. but why you should serve God when you still young. The first reason you should serve God in your youth is presented in Proverbs 22:6 (Start a youth out on his way; even when he grows old he won’t depart from it.”). This verse shows that how you are raised, how you behave, and the habits you form in your youth have an influence on who you will be as an adult. This influence can be either positive or negative depending on how you’re living now. When you serve God in your youth, you’re preparing yourself to live righteously as an adult as well.  Secondly, you should serve God in your youth because God knows what is best for you. As a teenager, and even into adulthood, you have no way of knowing or even comprehending what is best for your life. How could you? You don’t know what possibilities t

Keep Moving

Don’t sit down dear. If you cross this one, then you have  pretty much improved yourself. What I am trying to say is that if you sit comfortably in a spot, you tend to open Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and whatnot. You tend to spend more time on your phone. But, if you keep moving, you’ll forget all about your phone. Even while you’re replying to some texts, do it while you’re on the move, not sitting. It’ll be faster and you’ll save your time. What do you do while you’re on your foot? Think quick. If you wanna go run in the morning, then wake up and do it. If you wanna stop junk food, then while you’re up, think about why it’s bad for you. So get up on your feet! You don’t see successful people spending hours and hours on their phones, sitting in a corner thinking about their future, do you? They are always on the move and you should be too! Thanks Timothy Waigolo Follow me via facebook