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Showing posts from April, 2020

Can you start a business without capital

So a friend of mine in boxed me and asked me how he can start a business with less money on him. But the fact of the matter is, his question was;  How do I start a business without investment? If by ‘without investment’, you mean ‘without any start up capital and only your time’ then there is a way. Follow the definition of ‘business’ which by default, gives you a business plan. ‘Business’ is 1) finding a client   2. Who wants your solution to their problem   3. And is willing to pay you for that solution  4. And is able to pay you for your solution so that  5. you make a profit. If you keep these steps in the right order, and find the right client with a problem that you can solve to meet the other 3 criteria then you have the start of a business Feel free to provide your views in the comments. Follow me if you feel that my answers will guide you to living a fulfilling life and lastly thanks for reading Waigolo Timothy (google) Email: waigolo timothy Twitter:@wai